Our Expectations

The Player shall meet the below-listed minimum requirements:

  • The player desires to play volleyball at a competitive level higher than their current skill level.
  • The player is in good, physical condition and does not have a health condition(s) that may be complicated by strenuous physical activities, such as training for and/or playing competitive volleyball.
  • The player has a positive and teachable attitude and is respectable at all times with Coaches, Refs, and other players at all times.
  • The player agrees to obey the USAV Rules and Code of Conduct, AZTTV Rules and Expectations, and to conduct herself as an honorable member of Team Thunder.
  • The player does NOT use illegal drugs, tobacco or alcohol.
  • Attend all training sessions, games, and tournaments as scheduled and will communicate with the coach when a scheduling conflict arises.  The athlete will then use Teamsnap's event availability option to keep their status current.
  • The athlete agrees to do their part to help setup and tear down practice when needed.  The gym/facility/tournament is not the place to finish up on social media or "playground conversations", its the place to get better as an athlete.
  • The player will work hard at each and every practice from start to finish.  The coach is not there to teach the athlete how to work hard, it is expected that every athlete on the team will already work hard and the coach only needs to focus his training on the skill of Volleyball and teamwork.
  • The player understands that playing time during tournaments is not guaranteed - it must be earned based ability, attitude, attendance, commitment, and willingness to learn. It is expected that even if the athlete is not playing in the game that they will be highly focused and encouraging to the team.

The Player's Parent and/or guardian shall meet the below-listed minimum requirements:

  • They will set a positive example for all the players by being courteous towards every team player, including other coaches, refs, and opposing teams.
  • They assume full responsibility for payment of all costs, fees, and expenses associated with the Player’s participation and membership in the Club.
  • They will ensure that players have the resources needed to arrive to practices and tournaments at the expected time, which is never the start time.  They will also ensure that they have rides home after practice and tournaments so that coaches are not expected to wait after said events.
  • They will ensure that their athlete is getting the hydration and nutrition needed to be successful playing a highly competitive sport.
  • They will follow all the USAV Code of Conduct rules at all times at practices and tournaments.
  • They are not to coach from the sidelines or attempt to give the coach unsolicited "advise" during practices or tournaments.
  • They understand that playing time during tournaments is not guaranteed - it must be earned based ability, attitude, attendance, commitment, and willingness to learn. It is expected that even if the athlete is not playing in the game that they will be highly focused and encouraging to the team.


Club members and their parents should conduct themselves in a manner that is not only becoming to themselves but as representatives of AZ Team Thunder Volleyball Club. The way we talk, the way we play, the way we handle defeat and success, all affects the way people view our club. Strive to present the most positive image possible when at tournaments and at practices.